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Showing posts from December, 2018

Kol Et Eleha Enai - כל עת אליך עיני

First time I heard this song, I fell in love with. It's beautiful and melodious. And believe it or not, it's not a Moroccan song. It's origin is from Yerushalayim (or Egyptian) and can be adapted to many parts of the Tefila.

Yehida Raya (Vehaofanim) - יחידה רעיה (והאופנים)

You know you're in a Moroccan synagogue, when they sing this for VeHaofanim. The tune comes from the piyut Yehida Raya, which is normally sung during a celebration for a girl's lifecycle event; baby naming and/or wedding. The last line of VeHaofanim, the custom is to change the tune to that of "Lichvod Tora" hence we sing this Vehaofanim at almost every simha in the synagogue.